Frequently Asked Questions


How does payment work?

Psychologists are not covered under OHIP, so patients either have to be able to pay for services themselves, or have access to an insurer system that will pay directly or reimburse for services by a registered Psychologist.
We can provide a range of psychological assessment and treatment services to individual adults.

Payment for services is due at the end of every session and a receipt will be given when payment is received. In this way, the account remains manageable and counselling becomes a naturally budgeted expense. You may then submit this receipt to your extended health insurance or hold it for your income tax claim of medical expenses, if applicable. Your fee will be discussed with you during the intake interview and you will be advised beforehand if any changes are made to the fee. All efforts are made to provide affordable psychological services.

Currently, our fee schedule ranges from $175 to $225 per hour depending on the services provided.

When people are seen under the auto insurance, long term disability, veterans affairs, or WSIB, we process the billing directly.
Fees are set according to the time and nature of the service involved. All fees charged follow the guidelines set by the Ontario Psychological Association for psychological consultation and counselling. Fees will be discussed with you during the intake interview.

Fees may be paid by cash, cheque, debit, Visa, Mastercard or etransfer.

I have insurance coverage what do I do?

Every insurance systems offers different benefits with different levels of coverage for different amounts of time. They also all pay Psychologists different rates. If you have your own private insurance plan, you may have to speak with them directly about your coverage; most private plans will not discuss benefits with providers, as this is considered personal and confidential health information. That being said, we  can give you some basic information about each of these systems and what you will need in order to access psychological services.

WSIB (Workplace Safety and Insurance Board)
    •    Provides coverage for treatment and rehabilitation of injuries sustained in workplaces in Ontario, such as post-traumatic stress, brain injuries, and pain resulting from physical injuries. A claim has to be accepted and benefits approved before services can proceed.

Auto Insurance
    •    Auto insurance in Ontario provides different levels of coverage for the treatment and rehabilitation of injuries sustained in motor vehicle collisions, regardless of who was at fault. Coverage is included for assessment and treatment of psychological injuries including concussion and other brain injuries, post-traumatic stress, depression, pain, driving anxiety, and difficulties adjusting to changes in your life and family. A claim has to be accepted before services can proceed and all services must be pre-approved by the insurer. Family members of those who were injured in collisions also are able to open claims to access their own benefits. Again, all services require pre-approval by the insurer.

Extended Health Benefits
    •    These may be provided through your employer, union, or be purchased directly from some insurance companies. All benefit plans are different. Some provide coverage for services by a registered psychologist, and some do not. Specific benefits and coverage levels vary widely between insurers and plans. Most extended health insurance companies agree only to speak with their insured members, and not with their health care providers. It is likely that you will have to communicate directly with your own insurer if you use this kind of insurance. You will have to find out what benefits you have, what coverage is provided, and if there are any restrictions or requirements to access those benefits. Most plans require the completion of some kind of claim form for reimbursement of costs. Some require a referral from a family physician. You'll probably have to get the information about what is expected yourself before we're able to proceed.

Medavie Blue Cross/ Blue Shield
    •    This insurer provides coverage for benefits through various federal programs. Again, each program is different. If you're a veteran, member of the armed forces, or RCMP, you may have access to benefits through these programs. Call SHC or Medavie Blue Cross/Blue Shield for more information specific to your program.

Interim Federal Health Program
    •    This is a federal program that provides coverage for assessment and treatment of refugees while they wait for OHIP coverage.  Psychotherapy services by Registered Psychologists are covered. Coverage for translation also is available. A referral from a physician is required and refugee status needs to be confirmed.


What do your offices look like?

All services are provided via video at this time.

Office at 43 Rosewood Ave. Guelph